
Home Products Techwebmarkets


TechWebMarkets are neutral on-line global exchange over the Internet for both buyers and sellers of products and services. We do customize specific client requirements to suit their Industries, products and services. Chat, video conferencing, e-mails, phone calls, billing, accounts and inventory management are some of the features, which we have built into such sites to meet specific customer requirements.

Features include :

Publish an online Catalog :

Publish an online catalog with manufacturers, specifications and images.

Classifieds for Sale :

Place classified advertisements and banners to earn revenue.

Requests to Buy :

Post requests for corporate and personal consumption items.

Special Ads :

Highlight advertisements and redirect traffic to specific focus products.

Match Classifieds & Requests :

Match by requests against items on sale.

Negotiate Offers :

Negotiate on a one-to-one basis with suppliers.

Conclude Deals :

Close the deals on negotiations.

Community Trading :

Encourage trading within common product interest segments and business sizes.

Demand Aggregation :

Target demands to vendors.

Personal Web Mall :

Create personal web malls for retail outlets.


List Of Sites

Here is a partial list of TechWebMarkets that have been developed by us.

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  • Disclaimer: All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply any affiliation or endorsement, unless specified otherwise.

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